25 Years of Sustainability

Like all big journeys, ours began with small steps 25 years ago.

Nature Bio Foods (NBF) commenced action in 1993, with a group of 10 humble farming communities from Punjab which rose to 500 by 1997. We envisioned a developed and sustainable world through organic agriculture to turn aspirations into reality.

Our strong and undeterred farming communities, which are over 80,000, stood by NBF with un-wavered faith and commitment. It is both heartening and gratifying for us to share that as of 2018, 8% of organic farmers in India are associated with us and 12.4% of organic farming area in India is under NBF.

Born out of a strong lineage of LT Foods, one of the most experienced rice companies in the world, it was natural for us to begin our journey with organic rice. With each passing year we grew stronger adding more varieties to

our existing catalogue of products which include, Pulses, Spices, Cereals, Nuts, Superfoods, and Oils.

With an innate desire to support the real heroes- our farmers, Nature Bio Foods launched its tie up with Fair Trade in the year 2005 and has ever since been contributing to their well being through multiple development projects.

Being conscientious of bringing quality products to our customers with a focus on achieving the gold standard of quality, endorsed by experts in the field we take pride in having received international certification from leading certification agencies across the globe.

While believing in nurturing relationships and building bonds of trust with our partners, what started as a modest export project in US & UK in 1997 has today spread across Germany, Holland, Italy, France, Austria, USA, Switzerland, Poland, Netherlands, Singapore, Japan, China, Mauritius, Romania, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, UAE, Israel. As a consequence of our prolific growth, we created independent facilities-Nature Bio Foods Inc in the US in 2017 and Nature Bio Foods BV in Europe in 2018. NBF has production facilities in 14 states in India besides all the international accomplishments.

With your continued support we look forward to not only upscaling our product list but also widening the reach of NBF across the globe hand in hand with our farming communities.

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