Fighting the COVID-19 pandemic
Here’s what NBF is doing

World’s largest lockdown of COVID-19 continues across the globe and nations are prepared to fight against the global pandemic. While the going gets tough, Nature Bio Foods is firmly committed to the health and safety of its employees and serving the community. The changing situation is being closely monitored in compliance with public health. Not only this, the company has experienced a sudden surge of business, which is approximately 3 times to what was existing. The NBF family has stepped forward in these uncertain times, to continue the work at the facilities and farms servicing timely delivery and fulfilling the requirement of its buyers and global food shortage. Desperate times call for desperate measures and the organization is dealing it with stringent regular temperature scanners, reduced number of workforce in the warehouse and processing unit, increased protocols for sanitization, change in working schedules, working weekends, etc.

‘We have a lot to prove as a team and this is a crucial year where our efforts and actions we have taken will start reflecting. But we are hopeful, this too shall pass’ – Member of the Team.

A step ahead in promoting children education

Clearing upon its social, environmental, human & food safety protocols, NBF undergoes series of audits.

Harvest season in full bloom

Lentil and Flaxseed harvest in Madhya Pradesh

Successful show at BIO FACH 2020

Another year of a great show at BIOFACH 2020, the NBF team wins all hearts with its spectacular booth in Hall 7A of Naturland. The show wrapped up with great experience and new opportunities for the team and the visitors of the booth.

The Indian organic produce
packaging gets a new look

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