Organic Black Lentils Whole


Product Information

Organic Black Lentils Whole

Scientific Name – Vigna mungo

Local Name – Urad

Grown in various regions in Indian ICS of Nature Bio Foods like Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar. With protein 26g per 100gm and 60g carb, it has ability to boost energy, protect cardiovascular health, reduce pain and inflammation, improve immunity, aid in maintaining skin health, prevent diabetes, build strong bones, strengthen the nervous system, and optimize digestion.


Product Specifications

Country of Origin: India

Sensory Parameters

Appearance: Uniform & clean
Color: Black
Taste: True to Type
Odor: Characteristic Aroma

Physical Parameters

Moisture: ≤ 13%
Other edible grain: Nil
Foreign Matter: Nil

Food Safety

GMO/ Radiation/ Allergen: No
Pesticide residue/ Heavy Metal/ Aflatoxin: As per EU/ NPOP/NOP Norms
Shelf Life: 18 Months in a sealed pack temperature controlled environment


Packaging: 25 Kg Paper Bag/ 50 Kg PP bag/ 1MT Tote Bag/ Vacuum Pack as per buyer’s requirement

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India's largest Organic Black Lentils Whole producer and exporter

Are you looking to import Organic Black Lentils Whole from India?

We can supply Certified and Authentic Organic Black Lentils Whole as per

    NPOP Black Lentils Whole
    NOP Black Lentils Whole
    Fair-Trade organic Black Lentils Whole
    Bio-Suisse organic Black Lentils Whole
    Naturland organic Black Lentils Whole

Organic standards of best quality & at competitive prices.


Samples = Available on Request

We package our own labels as well as private-label. Product standards and customer specifications available on request.

Order by phone +91(130) 3541500 or email us at If you have any questions or would like to discuss your requirements, please do not hesitate to contact us. Download the complete product catalogue.